Apostolic Pentecostal Women & Hair
Monday, April 15, 2013
Most of you have probably read this but its still pretty good. ITS LENGTHY BUT SO WORTH READING
A friend sent this to me and I thought I would share it
Pentecostal Ladies Long Hair
Its lengthy - but worth it because it is the AWESOME TRUTH!
This is a testimony that a young lady, Kelli Orange, from TX wrote. This is AMAZING!
Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 10:13pm
WOW!!! I didn't know that a simple status update would
lead to this! However, I LOVE to share my testimony, and
never even thought about doing it with all of my Facebook
friends. I would like to say that this is MY conviction, MYbelief, and MY interpretation of the Word of God. If you
don't believe it, that is fine by me. However, please
have the decency to withhold all negative criticisms since
this is really my heartbeat!
A few years ago, I had a knot in my hair that took my
mother over four hours to get out. I decided right then and
there that I needed to know WHY I didn't cut my hair! I
knew it was "my glory," but I was thinking right
about then that maybe I didn't need all that glory! ;-)
I began to do an in depth study on hair to understand why the Lord would ask this of us. I went to a hair conference that was very enlightening! Proverbs 29:13 says, "Where there is no revelation, the people cast
off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law."Many people discard so many of our beliefs because they do
not have the revelation. I did not have one at this time! I
began to pray for one!
Ezekiel 28 talks about a war being waged in the spirit
realm about holiness. Lucifer had a very special place of
anointed ministry, and his primary function was being a
covering cherub. The cherubim, seem to be particularly
assigned to the responsibility of guarding the glory of God.
Lucifer, being the anointed cherub, was set forth as the
chief guardian of the glory of God. Ezekiel 28:14 says that
God put him in this place of delegated authority. He was
honored above all of the other angels, so what could have
been the root of his rebellion? Ezekiel 28:17 declares.
"Thine heart was lifted up because of thine beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness". Vanity caused him to become so proud of his outward magnificence that it began to overshadow his relationship with his Maker. When Lucifer was cast out, he lost his covering. God delegated Lucifer's guardianship of the glory of God to the woman.I Corinthians 11:10 and 15 says "For this cause ought the
woman to have power on her head because of the angels. But
if a woman have long hair, it is a GLORY to her: for her
hair is given her for a COVERING". So to this day, Satan
tempts mankind, especially women over and over to tamper
with the covering because it symbolizes to him everything he lost.
A woman's hair signals to the spirit world whether she is
in rebellion or in submission. The angels can tell by
looking at her. That is why it is so important for us not to
even trim our hair. The purpose is not to have long hair, it
is to be in submission to the word of God by not cutting your hair
at all. What is one of the first thing a woman does when she
backslides? She cuts her hair, losing her glory just like
Lucifer did when he was cast out. She is now separated from
God just like he is.
The only other place that you see the covering, the angels,
and the glory mentioned together is in the Ark of the
Covenant. The mercy seat covered the law. The cherubim, (the
angels) were assigned to guard the glory, covered the mercy
seat and were actually attached to it. Dwelling in the midst
of the cherubim was the glory of God. If ever the covering,
the mercy seat was removed fro m the Ark, the angels were
removed with it. They were attached to the covering. The
glory, mercy, and presence of God were removed as well,
leaving only naked law, no mercy. To forfeit the covering
was to forfeit divine protection! The woman, as God created
her, is a picture of the Church, the Law on the inside; the
covering of her submission to that law on the outside; the
mercy and the angels covering her; and the glory and the
presence of God dwelling over, around, and in the midst of
her! The woman's uncut hair is a part of what makes her
visible and recognizable as the covered bride of Jesus Christ.
The protection is not only for the woman but also for her
family! Ezekiel 10 indicates that wherever the glory was the
cherubim was as well. In verses 18 and 19, when the glory of
the Lord departed from the house or the temple, the cherubim
lifted up their wings and departed also. They were committed
to the glory! We are the temple of the Holy Ghost and we
have the glory as long as we are in submission through
obedience with uncut hair. When a woman cuts her hair, she
actually severs the glory of God from her life. The angels
will lift and depart, for they are committed to the glory.
Where there is no glory, the angels are absent, leaving only
harsh judgment. Have you ever noticed that the armor of God does
not make a provision for the back? Isaiah 58:8 says that the
glory of the Lord shall be our rearguard! Titus 2:5 says
that women are to be "keepers at home". This phrase in
the Greek language has a much deeper meaning than simply
housekeeping, cooking, cleaning, etc.. It also means "a
guard, to beware"... Ladies, your job description involves
more than housekeeping.. You are to be a guard that will
beware of any evil that would try to come into your homes.
We can actually open up our homes for evil spirits to come
in if we are in rebellion. Your uncut hair brings protection
to the entire family. The devil is the ultimate liar. So,
before you cut your hair, ask yourself, "Why am I doing
this?" and "How will this affect my family?" Do you
dare forfeit divine protection for the sake of vanity?
Sometimes in the darkest trials of your life, you will feel
the urge to cut your hair.
During the hardest trial that I have ever been through I
was on my floor in the bathroom sobbing for hours. I felt
the strongest urge to cut my hair, not to get it styled, but
whacked off. There was a spirit fighting HARD for me to
"just shock everyone, just cut it!" Thank God that
I did not give in because if the devil can just get you to
cut your hair, he has stripped away your army of angels that
were protecting you.
What a comfort it is to know that the angels of the Lord
are encamping around about our families, dili gently on guard
against any intrusion of the enemy forces. I cannot always
be with my husband or my children 24 hours a day, but each
day as I watch him leave for work and as I send them off to
school, I can plead the blood of Jesus over them, pray the
armor of God on them, and ask for the angels of the Lord to
encamp around about them. We can ask this with confidence if
we are in obedience to God's Word and have not severed the
glory in our lives. Only eternity will reveal how many
times your family was protected because of this promise of
power on your head.
There was a Holy-Ghost-filled woman that claimed this
promise at a very desperate time in her life. This lady's
son was in a very serious car accident. When he was brought
into the emergency room, the doctors did not even work on
him because the said he was too far gone. They left to go
work on other patients that they thought had a better chance
of survival. Somehow, this frantic mother managed to get
into her son's room along with her husband. As she stood
at his bedside, she began to pray. She reminded God of how a
scissors had never touched her hair. She prayed the promise
of I Corinthians 11:10 and claimed the power that was
available to her because of the angels. God heard that
prayer, and immediately things began to happen. The doctors
came back, expecting to see a young man who possibly was
dead. Instead, they found that he had regained consciousness and
was responding. Within a matter of days, this young man was
out of the hospital. His mother had guarded the glory, and
she had power on her head because of the angels! Upon
hearing this story from Penny Watkins years before I read it
again in Ruth Rieder's book, I began to pray for my son,
Skyler. He had the most severe form of asthma. He took six
breathing treatments that lasted about ten-fifteen
minutes each treatment. Phillip and I were literally afraid
to sleep at night fearing that, that would be the night he
wouldn't be able to catch his breath and we wouldn't
know. Anytime he would do something active, such as jump on
the trampoline he would just start throwing up, and he
couldn't stop or breathe. Now, here I was expecting
LaMarq, and I remember thinking now God is going to have to
help us. I didn't know how I would physically take the
stress of staying up with an infant on top of all this with Skyler. So, when I heard this story, I went home, I let my hair down, and I began to pray the same prayer that this lady had. I plead the blood over
Skyler. He was miraculously healed. A couple of weeks
without any treatments, and no attacks, I testified in
church of the miracle God had done. That night Skyler had
the worst attack that he had ever had. The doctor told us
that there was nothing else he could do, any more medicine
would mess Skyler up. He told us that we would just have to
start taking him to the ER every time we saw one coming on.
So, I was thinking, "Ok, God. I know that you healed
him". So, I did the same thing, I prayed again the same
prayer. Again Skyler was miraculously healed, and I do mean
all the way. So I waited about a month, when I was sure, and
I testified again. Again THAT NIGHT Skyler had another
attack. It hit me like a ton of bricks that this was an all
out war with the devil. He was scared to death of me getting a hold of this revelation. This happened 3 more times. I mean the very night I would testify, Skyler would just get a horrible attack. Phillip
told me to stop testifying or Skyler was going to die. So,
one night I just started rebuking the devil in JESUS name,
and I told him that it didn't matter how many times we had
to do this, that it was too late, I already knew the power
that I had in my hair, and that he might as well leave me
alone, and He did. Skyler has not had one more attack to
this day.
God has miraculously healed LaMarq, too. He had begun to
start breaking out in horrible whelps all over his body. We
couldn't figure out what was happening. When we discovered
it was latex, the doctor told us that his reactions were so
severe that an inhalation (like a balloon) could be fatal.
Ok, right. How was I going to keep my three year old away
from balloons or make him understand that he could die if he
tried to blow one up?
So, I have to say, I'm not afraid to ask my heavenly
father for anything! He has never ever ever let me down!!!
So I did the same thing I layed my hair over LaMarq's
little body and prayed. Since then, not one break out!!!! We
have power through our uncut hair!
Women, isn't there something in your life you would like
to have the victory over? Let your hair down, walk around
your house and lay your hair over your children!!! When your
unsaved husband is sleeping, lay your glory over that man
and use that power you have with the angels!!! If your body
is in pain. if your finances are in trouble, if your
marriage is on the rocks, if your children are straying from
this truth, WHATEVER you need WE HAVE THE POWER!!!!
Skyler is old enough to understand, and when I talk to him
about it he becomes very emotional. He's not embarrassed
of my hair, he knows that because I was submissive to the
Word of God and didn't cut my hair he
can have a normal childhood without six breathing
treatments a day, no drugs in his little body. Ladies
WE HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!! Whatever your need is, whatever
your problem is!!!
There is a story that Bro. Stoneking tells about a woman
who heard a scream, she ran to the window and looked down,
and her child was standing in the grass beside a woman
trembling. The lady said, "You left you window open and
your child climbed onto the ledge. He fell down two stories,
but there was a man standing there who caught him The man
disappeared; I don't know where he went. This mother
had power on her head because of the angels. There are times
when this power is at work on our behalf when we are not
even aware of it.. Our hair is our covering, just think of it
like an umbrella. Oh, yes, we are going to walk through
storms, but we are protected!!!!!!!!!! I just want to thank
the Lord for this huge responsibility and awesome privilege!
This was not meant to condemn, judge, or offend anyone that
has cut or cuts their hair. This was meant as encouragement
to all of my Pentecostal ladies/friends who do not cut their
hair. I love you all!!!
by Kelli Orange
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